Baby Names Enter a Hostile World
It seems we are now using loaded baby names that have all kinds of hostile implications. I look into this with my own take on the trend.
1/28/20251 min read
Back in my day, baby names often took on those same names found in bibles or even novels of the time. That is something to consider, where that name came from and why we choose it for our sons or daughters.
It is a familiar story, the baby name reflects what is going on in our society. We are heavily affected by other names already in existence and some of us actually think about how strong the name sounds or even what that word might mean.
When I am asked how a name sounds with a given surname, I look for flow, how it might end up shortened as often happens and any meanings that might be negative to avoid.
It should not surprise me then that a generation that likes everything served up on a platter and delivered immediately would not take the time and consideration to look into implications of the baby identifier they choose.
There is also a perception that by giving a strong name will mean that could transfer over to the child. Has no one thought that much of that depends on good parenting and the will and character of that child?
I bring this all up because names are now being chosen that symbolize weapons or destructive tendencies. Here are a few to ponder: Shooter; Trigger; Remington;Wesson; Cutter; Caliber; and more.
These are beyond strong sounding as in a person who has strength of character. These suggest a mentality that aligns with death and destruction. How can you pin that to an innocent child and not know this will affect them in later life?
If a parent chose this because of their own biases, we have a long way to go to be a good example for our kids. If it is a marker that our world is more hostile, then heaven help us!