Guns Leave Kids at Risk

The numbers are now out about deaths directly related to guns among children. This article is offered to make others rethink about how they manage this in the US.

10/10/20231 min read

As a Canadian, I have a different outlook when it comes to children and safety with handguns since it is a non issue here relatively speaking. But in the US, every home has a weapon that could be accessed by children and so the risk is there that an unfortunate incident could take a young life. This article is dedicated to trying to make you aware in the name of protecting children.

The New York Times came up with an article bringing this to my attention. The author is Roni Caryn Rabin and her article is dated October 5, 2023 entitled: 'Gun Deaths Rising Sharply Among Children, Study Finds'. In this article she states: "According to an analysis published on October 5, 2023, the rate of firearm fatalities among children under 18 increased by 87 percent from 2011 through 2021 in the United States. The death rate attributable to car accidents fell by almost half, leaving firearm injuries the top cause of accidental death in children.

Some 2,590 children and teenagers under the age of 18 died of firearm injuries in 2021, up from 1,311 in 2011, according to the study, which was published in the journal Pediatrics. In other industrialized countries, guns are not even among the top three causes of death for children."

In the article, there is good advice about putting safety locks on the trigger that require fingerprint identification which is a good idea. But as usual, people are slow to make such modifications. Please read the rest of the article and consider what could be done and then take action. Don't kids deserve your protection? I leave this in your good hands.