Inspired Homeless Aid

Whenever I see a group of people devoted to helping, to finding a solution or easing the pain of people on our planet, I like to shine a light on them. This is such a story.

1/15/20251 min read

When it comes to the homeless, the story is often the same. We tend to ignore them and lump them all into the same classification. We think they are lazy, addicted somehow and a general eyesore.

But in fact, they are just people down on their luck. Oh sure, there is a small percentage that are dealing with addiction, but it is unfair to think they do not deserve humane conditions and empathy.

It turns out we are all just a few hundred dollars away from not being able to handle our bills and that is where the downhill turn of events begins. So I am delighted to find out that in many towns, they are taking the approach through social services to step up and attend to individual needs.

While this is admirable and allows people to maintain some sort of normality, it is not the total answer. For example, if the people are willing to work in order to keep themselves off the street, they need to have a safe place to stay where they can shower, eat and change and wash clothing.

This conundrum was broken down by one group who saw the need to offer a service that would allow such people a chance to wash their clothing to remain healthy and appear respectable if setting out to find work.

A group of college students answered this need with ingenious and effective results. Flowering with Blessings Incorporated was created in Atlanta Georgia. They provide showers and clean clothing to the homeless along with other necessities but went one step further.

The college students at Georgia Tech created a mobile bus for them to use, a movable laundromat that took the service to the camps. It includes portable showers. This non profit believes everyone should be clean, comfortable and feel valued.

Their contribution just means that are those who care and are trying to help. So I challenge all of you out there to think about that and see if you and your friends can be part of the solution too. We can all make a difference.