Building Self-Esteem in Kids
An analysis of the journey we all take and how to help
According to 'positive psychology', Self-esteem is crucial to children’s academic achievement, participation, engagement in activities, social relationships, and, ultimately, their sense of well being.
Children low in self-esteem tend to be shy and introverted, with self-imposed limitations and a fixed mindset. Those high in self-esteem are enthusiastic, active, feel a greater sense of worth, and perhaps most importantly, feel comfortable with who they are. It is by reading stories to children where the character is able to overcome challenges that they learn to develop great self-esteem.
A child who had developed that sense of high regard for themselves can recover from mistakes and failure, will know how to motivate themselves to get things done, will seek out independence, will be secure in relationships, will feel respected and will be able to make well-balanced decisions in spite of challenging situations.
Finding ways to support this journey are crucial. Reading them supportive stories is one way, You can also praise their efforts no matter what the outcome. Encourage friendships with those who like them for who they are. Help them identify strengths and get them to use them for positive purposes for themselves and to help others.
Let them know they are loved and belong. Encourage new activities to expand their horizons. Teach them to be calm in tough situations so that they can figure out solutions. And make reading a bedtime story to encourage positive enhancement part of your daily routine.